Biomedical Products Division: |
Contact us for a free in lab demonstration. Fungichrom®Identification of the Main Pathogenic Yeasts. A Complete Test Suitable for All Laboratories.Over the past ten years, the rate of fungal infections, especially those caused by yeast, have dramatically increased. Wescor, Inc is now pleased to offer FUNGICHROM®, which uses 6 chromogenic and 10 conventional substrates to identify the main species of pathogenic yeast. FUNGICHROM allows users to identify yeasts based on the presence or the absence of various enzymes as indicated by a color change in the reagent well. The included color chart aids in the interpretation of results. The enzymatic activities are detected by three kinds of reactions:
Each FUNGICHROM tray also includes a positive control well, (well T+) which reveals the assimilation of glucose. Fungichrom is Accurate! Sensitivity: 97.7%Specificity: 99.8% FUNGICHROM identifies 25 species of pathogenic fungi including: Candida, Saccharomyces, Rhodotorula, Cryptococcus, Trichosporon, Geotrichum, and Kloeckera. Fungichrom is Cost-Effective!
Making Identification Simple Fungichrom Instructions For Use To view these documents you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can get it by clicking here. FDA ListingU.S. FDA Listing for FungichromBrochuresFungichrom BrochureArticlesEvaluation of Fungichrom-- Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology Comparitive performance of Fungichrom– Journal of Medical Microbiology |